What Next?
Anni Järvenpää and Kaisa Kuivalahti
Extra credit problem
Parallelise data ingestion and topic modelling with LDA
If you want to try a more computationally intensive language-related exercise, you can try this one while the course project is still active
CSC resources
For any technical problem, first see
Other courses
CSC Computing Environment self-study course
Elements of supercomputing self-study course
Personal support:
Weekly CSC Research User Support Coffee sessions
hint: see
tips for writing good support requests
(but don’t be afraid to send the message even if including all the information feels hard)
Data management
CSC Research Data management course
Basics of RDM from researcher’s perspective
Tools & resources
Login with CSC account or via Haka
fairdata.fi data management checklist
See also the other “training” subpages
Instructions for providing privacy notices for Language Bank resources
See also
personal data processing guidelines
Linux command line
Command line basics in docs.csc.fi
Basic Linux Commands module of the CSC prerequisites minicourse
Python programming for beginners
new iteration each year
also available in Finnish as
Ohjelmoinnin perusteet ja jatkokurssi
Applied language technology course
Online courses from several Finnish universities
Python for Scientific Computing
Covers e.g. data analysis and visualization as well as interacting with APIs
Research Software Development
For people who develop their own tools/scripts
Upcoming workshop
in September
Lessons available for self-study
Language resources, tools and training at