Using Allas in batch jobs


💬 The allas-conf command opens an Allas connection that is valid for eight hours.

  • In case of interactive usage, this eight-hour limit is not problematic as allas-conf can be executed again to extend the validity of the connection.
  • In case of batch jobs, the situation is different, as it may take more than eight hours before the job even starts.
  1. To be able to use Allas in a batch job, run allas-conf again with the -k option:
allas-conf -k 
  • Here, the option -k indicates that the password will be stored in an environment variable $OS_PASSWORD.
    • With this variable defined, you no longer need to input your password when you re-execute allas-conf with the -k option and the Allas project name.

☝🏻 Note that if you mistype your password when using the -k option, you must use the command unset OS_PASSWORD before you can try again.

  1. Refresh the connection with the command:
allas-conf -k <project>    # replace <project> with your CSC project, e.g. project_2001234

☝🏻 When $OS_PASSWORD is set, the a-commands (a-put, a-get, a-list, a-delete) automatically refresh the Allas connection when the commands are executed in a batch job.

  1. Choose a file from Allas. The file should have text in it.
a-list <project number>_$USER   # replace <project number> with your CSC project number, e.g. 2001234, to match the bucket you created earlier
  1. Create a new batch job script. First open a new text file with the command:
nano allas_<myjobname>.sh    # replace <myjobname> with a custom name for your job
  1. Copy the batch job script below to the text file you are editing:
  • Option 1: a-commands
#SBATCH --job-name=my_allas_job        # Name of the job visible in the queue.
#SBATCH --account=<project>            # Choose the billing project. Has to be defined!
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00                # Maximum duration of the job. Max: depends of the partition. 
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G               # How much RAM is reserved for one processor.
#SBATCH --partition=test               # Job queues: test, interactive, small, large, longrun, hugemem, $
#SBATCH --output=allas_output_%j.txt   # Name of the output-file.
#SBATCH --error=allas_errors_%j.txt    # Name of the error-file.

bucketname=<project number>_$USER      # Replace with your bucket name, e.g. 2001234_username
filename=<filename>                    # Replace with your file name

a-get $bucketname/$filename            # Bucket name / file name
wc -l $filename > $filename.num_rows   # file name
a-put -b $bucketname $filename.num_rows
  1. In the script, replace <project number>_$USER to match your bucket name and <filename> to the name of the file you have in Allas. Remember to also define your billing project (--account).
  • Option 2: rclone

💭 If you use rclone or swift instead of the a-commands, you need to add source allas_conf commands to your script.

#SBATCH --job-name=my_allas_job        # Name of the job visible in the queue.
#SBATCH --account=<project>            # Choose the billing project. Has to be defined!
#SBATCH --time=00:05:00                # Maximum duration of the job. Max: depends of the partition. 
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1G               # How much RAM is reserved for one processor.
#SBATCH --partition=test               # Job queues: test, interactive, small, large, longrun, hugemem, $
#SBATCH --output=allas_output_%j.txt   # Name of the output-file.
#SBATCH --error=allas_errors_%j.txt    # Name of the error-file.

bucketname=<project number>_$USER      # Replace with your bucket name, e.g. 2001234_username
filename=<filename>                    # Replace with your file name

# Make sure the connection to Allas is open
source /appl/opt/csc-cli-utils/allas-cli-utils/allas_conf -f -k $OS_PROJECT_NAME
rclone copy allas:$bucketname/$filename ./

wc -l $filename > $filename.num_rows

# Make sure the connection to Allas is open
source /appl/opt/csc-cli-utils/allas-cli-utils/allas_conf -f -k $OS_PROJECT_NAME
rclone copy $filename.num_rows allas:$bucketname
  1. Replace <project number>_$USER to match your bucket name and <filename> to the name of the file you have in Allas. Remember to also define your billing project (--account).
  2. Submit the batch job with the command:
sbatch allas_<myjobname>.sh
  1. Monitor the progress of your batch job:
squeue -u $USER
a-list <project number>_$USER    # replace <project number> with your CSC project number, e.g. 2001234, to match your bucket