Replicating a Conda environment in a container

💬 On CSC supercomputers you can use Tykky to easily containerize Conda environments. This method is recommended over the manual procedure detailed in this exercise, which is mainly provided for you to develop your skills in working with containers. For tutorials on using Tykky, see:


💬 Conda is a useful tool for installing software with complex dependencies. It has, however, some problems, especially on HPC systems like Puhti with shared parallel file systems. Because of these issues, installing Conda environments directly on the file system of CSC supercomputers is not allowed.

💬 The main problems of Conda environments are related to storage. Conda environments are large, containing tens to hundreds of thousands of files. Just 3-4 environments are enough to fill the basic quota of a project’s /projappl directory. Moreover, many of these files will be accessed each time you launch a program installed with Conda, generating massive I/O load which may degrade the performance of the file system for all users.

💬 Conda environments can also be somewhat sensitive to changes in the base system, meaning that e.g. system updates can sometimes break existing Conda environments, necessitating a reinstall.

💬 Using an Apptainer container can help with both problems. A container is just a single file that is typically smaller than the total size of the Conda environment directory. It is also less sensitive to changes in the host system. It is also relatively easy to containerize an existing Conda environment.

Check for ready containers

💬 You should first check if the software package is already available as an Apptainer/Singularity or Docker container. The advantage of a ready-made container is that it can usually be pulled/converted with normal user privileges on Puhti.

You can find more detailed instructions on converting Docker containers in Docs CSC.

Replicating an existing Conda environment

If you have an existing Conda environment, you can save the environment.yml file and use it to replicate the environment in a container.

Please note that the environment.yml file will only reflect changes to the environment made using conda commands. If you have made any changes directly, you will need to replicate those changes in the definition file.

  1. Make sure the environment you want to replicate is activated, and give the command:

    conda env export > environment.yml
  2. You can try with one of your own environments, or download an example to use for this exercise:

  3. In addition to the environment.yml file, you will need an Apptainer definition file. Create a file called conda_environment.def with the following content (copy/paste).

    Bootstrap: docker
    From: continuumio/miniconda3
        ENV_NAME=$(head -1 environment.yml | cut -d' ' -f2)
        echo ". /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/" >> $APPTAINER_ENVIRONMENT
        echo "conda activate $ENV_NAME" >> $APPTAINER_ENVIRONMENT
        . /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/
        conda env create -f environment.yml -p /opt/conda/envs/$ENV_NAME
        conda clean --all
        exec "$@"
  4. Make sure the files environment.yml and conda_environment.def are in the current directory and give the command:

    apptainer build --fakeroot fastx.sif conda_environment.def
  5. This will build an Apptainer image file called fastx.sif. We can now verify that it works:

    apptainer exec fastx.sif fastq_to_fasta -h