Using HyperQueue and local disk to process many small files efficiently

This tutorial requires that

This tutorial is done on Puhti


💬 HyperQueue is a tool for efficient sub-node task scheduling and well suited for task farming and running embarrassingly parallel jobs.

💬 In this example, we have a large number of files (4000+) which we want to convert to another format.

  • The files represent SMILES strings (a line notation encoding the two-dimensional structure of a molecule) which we want to convert into a three-dimensional coordinate format
  • The computational cost of each of the conversions is expected to be comparable
  • Since the workflow involves many small files, we will utilize the fast local disk to avoid stressing the parallel file system

The workflow of this exercise

  1. Download the input files from Allas
  2. Decompress the files to $LOCAL_SCRATCH
  3. Convert each .smi file to a three-dimensional .sdf molecular file format
  4. Archive and compress the output files and move them back to /scratch

Download the input files

  1. Create and enter a suitable scratch directory on Puhti (replace <project> with your CSC project, e.g. project_2001234):
mkdir -p /scratch/<project>/$USER/hq-example
cd /scratch/<project>/$USER/hq-example
  1. Download the input files representing small molecules initially obtained from the ChEMBL database:

Create a HyperQueue batch script

💬 We will use Open Babel to convert the SMILES strings into a three-dimensional .sdf coordinate format.

☝🏻 Multiple files can be converted using the batch conversion mode of Open Babel. For 4000+ files this would, however, take more than an hour. Similarly, submitting each conversion as a separate Slurm job is also a bad idea since each conversion takes just a few seconds. A large number of short jobs may degrade the performance of the scheduler for all users.

💡 HyperQueue is a program that allows us to schedule sub-node tasks within a Slurm allocation. One can think of HyperQueue as a “Slurm within a Slurm”, or a so-called “meta-scheduler”, which allows us to leverage embarrassing parallelism without overloading Slurm by looping srun or sbatch commands.

  1. Copy the following script into a file using, e.g., nano:
#SBATCH --partition=small
#SBATCH --account=<project>                       # replace <project> with your CSC project, e.g. project_2001234
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=40
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --gres=nvme:1

module load hyperqueue openbabel

# Specify a location for the HyperQueue server
export HQ_SERVER_DIR=${PWD}/hq-server-${SLURM_JOB_ID}
mkdir -p "${HQ_SERVER_DIR}"

# Start the server in the background (&) and wait until it has started
hq server start &
until hq job list &>/dev/null ; do sleep 1 ; done

# Start the workers (one per node, in the background) and wait until they have started
srun --exact --cpu-bind=none --mpi=none hq worker start --cpus=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} &
hq worker wait "${SLURM_NTASKS}"

# Extract the input files to the local disk and cd there
tar -xf smiles.tar.gz -C $LOCAL_SCRATCH
cd $LOCAL_SCRATCH/smiles

# Submit each Open Babel conversion as a separate HyperQueue job
for f in *.smi ; do
    hq submit --stdout=none --stderr=none obabel $f -O ${f%.*}.sdf --gen3d best &

# Wait until all jobs have finished, shut down the HyperQueue workers and server
hq job wait all
hq worker stop all
hq server stop

# Compress the output .sdf files and copy the package back to /scratch
tar -czf sdf.tar.gz *.sdf
cp sdf.tar.gz $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR
  1. As explained by the comments in the script above, HyperQueue works on a worker-server-client basis, i.e. a worker is started on each compute node which executes commands that the client submitted to the server
    • This is in principle what Slurm also does, only difference is that you need to start the server and workers yourself
    • In this example, one full Puhti node is reserved for processing the files, meaning that 40 conversion commands will be running in parallel

☝🏻 Ideally, the number of sub-tasks should be larger than the amount that can fit running on the reserved resources simultaneously to avoid too short Slurm jobs.

  1. Submit the script with:
  1. After a couple of minutes, you should notice that a file sdf.tar.gz containing the output files has appeared in your working directory.

💡 Tip: If you want to monitor the progress of your HyperQueue jobs/tasks, just export the location of the HyperQueue server an use the hq commands (see the official documentation for details).

module load hyperqueue
export HQ_SERVER_DIR=/path/to/hq/server
hq job list
hq job info <hqjobid>
hq job progress <hqjobid>
hq task list <hqjobid>
hq task info <hqjobid> <hqtaskid>

☝🏻 Remember to load the hyperqueue module before running the commands above from the terminal, otherwise you will get an error message that the command hq is not found.

☝🏻 Also note that these commands are available only after your job starts running.

💬 To get a report of how your jobs/tasks completed and spot possible failures, you could also run one of these commands in your batch script and redirect the output to a file before shutting down the server.