Psst, remember the cheatsheet!



A partition is a set of compute nodes, grouped logically. Resource limitations for a job are defined by the partition (or queue) the job is submitted to. The limitations affect the maximum run time, the amount of memory, and the number of available CPU/GPU cores. In addition, partitions may also define default resources that are automatically allocated for jobs, if nothing has been specified.

Jobs should be submitted to the partition that best matches the required resources. That way, as few resources as possible are blocked and another user with a higher demand in memory can run a job earlier. Of course, other considerations may also influence the choice of a partition.

Which partition to choose?

Check CSC Docs: Available batch job partitions and find suitable partitions for these tasks:

  1. Through trial and error Anna has determined that her image processing process takes about 60 min, 16 GB of memory on a single CPU.

  2. Kalika has profiled her code, and determined that it can run efficiently on 20 cores with 12 GB of memory each. The complete process should be done within 4 days.

  3. Ben wants to visualize a 80 GB file in QGIS.

  4. Neha has written and run some Python code on her own machine. She now wants to move to Puhti and, before running her full pipeline, test that her code executes correctly with a minimal dataset.

  5. Josh wants to run 4 memory heavy tasks (100GB) in parallel. Each job takes about 30 minutes to execute.