Spatial data in Puhti#
Large commonly used Finnish geospatial datasets with open licenses
Removes transfer bottleneck
Located in:
All Puhti users have read access
~13 TB of datasets available:
Paituli data, with virtual mosaics for raster data
Finnish Environmental Institute (SYKE) open datasets: CORINE land use etc
Forest center: canopy height, forest mask, gridcells, forest resource plots
LUMI and Mahti do not have spatial data on local disk.
Spatial data download service
~300 Finnish datasets
All datasets open to everyone
Also historical versions of several datasets
Possibility to publish own datasets for universities and research institutes
Ministry of education and culture supports financially, CSC maintains
Paituli data access in Puhti:#
As files in
Raster datasets via STAC
Rasters divided to mapsheets as virtual rasters
Majority via OGC APIs, both old and new standards
Virtual rasters
Virtual rasters are a useful GDAL concept for managing large raster datasets that are split into map sheets that do not overlap. Technically a virtual raster is just a small XML file that tells GDAL where the actual data files are, but from user’s point of view virtual rasters can be treated much like any other raster format. Virtual rasters can include raster data in any file format GDAL supports. Virtual rasters are useful because they allow handling of large datasets as if they were a single file eliminating the need for locating correct files.
Virtual rasters are not useful for managing time-series or overlapping rasters, for example remote sensing tiles.
Supported by any GDAL based tool, including Python and R spatial packages, ArcGIS, FME, GrassGIS, MapInfo, QGIS, and SagaGIS.
CSC Docs: Virtual rasters tutorial, inc code examples for R and Python.
Some popular datasets#
NLS, administrative borders
NLS, topographic database
NLS, basic map and topographic maps
NLS, DEM - 2, 10 and 25m
NLS, orthoimages (only infrared in Puhti)
Statistics Finland, population grid 1 km
Statistics Finland, municipalities key figures
Statistics Finland, educational institutions
Väylä, Digiroad
Statistics Finland, traffic accidents
Statistics Finland, Paavo - statistics at post code level
NLS, lidar
Finnish Digital agency, addresses of buildings
LUKE, Multi-source national forest inventory: 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021
LUKE, occurrence map for less common tree species
Finnish Food Agency, Field plots
FMI, daily and monthly weater statistics and predictions
University of Helsinki, Luomus, biodiversity threats