Exercise: STAC#


  • Time: 20 min


  • Getting familiar with Jupyter in the Puhti web interface

  • Learn to use STAC for searching for raster data


Open JupyterLab in Puhti web interface#

Change the default project and username

  • project_200xxxx is example project name, replace with your own CSC project name.

  • cscusername is example username, replace with your username.

  • CSC Docs: Jupyter

  • Open the Jupyter launch page: from front page or Apps -> Jupyter

  • Use settings:

    • (Reservation: geocomputing_thu, only during course)

    • Project: project_200xxxx

    • Partition: interactive (small during course)

    • Number of CPU cores: 1

    • Memory (Gb): 8

    • Local disk: 0

    • Time: 0:15:00

    • Python: geoconda

    • Module version: default

    • Working directory: /scratch/project_200xxxx

    • Launch

  • Wait a moment for Jupyter to start -> Connect to Jupyter

  • Open


  • Open new Termianl window

  • Make a folder for the exercise materials and make it your working directory

  • Change the project name and username.

mkdir -p /scratch/project_200xxxx/students/cscusername
cd /scratch/project_200xxxx/students/cscusername
  • Copy the example scripts to Puhti.

git clone https://github.com/csc-training/geocomputing.git

STAC Notebook#

  1. In file exporer open: `students/cscusername/geocomputing/python/STAC

  2. Open STAC_CSC_example.ipynb notebook

  3. Follow the notebook, use Shift+Enter for running cells.

End the session#

  • Close the web tab

  • In Active sessions view: Cancel

Key points

  • STAC is an easy option for finding and downloading raster data.

  • Jupyter is a nice tool for interactively working with Python.