Batch jobs#

On our own computer, we are used to a started program (job) starting instantly. In a supercomputing environment, the computer is shared among hundreds of users. All heavy computing must be done on compute nodes (see Usage policy). To use compute nodes, the user first asks for the computing resources and then waits for the job to start when the requested resources become available.

SLURM - job management system#

A job management system keeps track of the available and requested computing resources. It aims to share the resources in an efficient and fair way among all users. It optimizes resource usage by filling the compute nodes so that there will be as little idling resources as possible. CSC uses a job management system called SLURM.

How batch jobs are distributed on compute nodes in terms of number of CPU cores, time and memory

SLURM job allocations#

It is important to request only the resources you need and ensure that the resources are used efficiently. Resources allocated to a job are not available for others to use. If a job is not using the cores or memory it reserved, resources are wasted.

Batch job script#

A batch job script is used to request resources for a job. It consists of two parts:

  • The resource request: computing time, number of cores, amount of memory and other resources like GPUs, local disk, etc.

  • Instructions for computing: what tool or script to run.

Minimal example of batch script:

#SBATCH --account=project_20xxxxx   # Your CSC project. Mandatory.
#SBATCH --partition=test            # Partition, see section below
#SBATCH --time=00:02:00             # Maximum duration of the job. 
#SBATCH --ntasks=1                  # How many cores?
#SBATCH --mem=2G                    # How much memory

srun python             # The script to run  
  • Submit the job for computation: sbatch

  • Cancel a job after job submission during queueing or runtime: scancel jobid.

When we submit a batch job script, the job is not started directly, but is sent into a queue. Depending on the requested resources and load, the job may need to wait to get started.

How many resources to request?

  • If you have run the code on some other machine (your laptop?), as a first guess, you can reserve the same amount of CPUs and memory as on that machine.

  • You can also monitor resource usage more closely with top on Mac and Linux or task manager on Windows when running on the other machine.

  • If your program does the same thing (or similar things) more than once, you can estimate the total run time by multiplying the duration of one run with the total number of runs.

  • An initial resource reservation on a supercomputer is often a guess, do not worry too much, just adjust it later.

  • Before reserving multiple CPUs, check if your code can make use of them.

  • Before reserving multiple nodes, check if your code can make use of them. Most GIS tools can not.

  • When you double the number of cores, the job should run at least 1.5x faster.

  • Some tools run on both CPU and GPU. If unsure which to use, a good rule of thumb is to compare the billing unit (BU) usage and select the one consuming fewer units. A GPU uses 60 times more billing units than a single CPU core.

  • You should always monitor jobs to find out what were the actual resources you requested.

Partly adapted from Aalto Scientific Computing


A partition is a logically grouped set of compute nodes. Resource limitations for a job are defined by the partition (or queue) the job is submitted to. The limitations affect the maximum run time, available memory and the number of CPU/GPU cores. Jobs should be submitted to the smallest partition that matches the required resources.

Job types#

  • Interactive jobs are used for e.g. working interactively with tools that have a graphical UI, writing code (using graphical development environments) and testing whether a program runs as intended. For interactive jobs, allocate the resources from the interactive partition. This way your work is performed on a compute node, not on the login node. The interactive partition is often used for applications in the web interface. The resources are limited on this partition, but it should have very short queuing times.

  • Serial jobs work on only one task at a time following a sequence of instructions and only using one core.

  • Parallel jobs distribute the work over several cores or nodes in order to achieve a shorter wall time (and/or more allocatable memory).

  • GPU jobs for tools that can benefit from running on GPUs. In a spatial analysis context, GPUs are most often used for deep learning.

Which partition to choose?

Check CSC Docs: Available batch job partitions and find suitable partitions for these tasks:

  1. Through trial and error, Anna has determined that her image processing task takes about 60 min and 16 GB of memory.

  2. Laura has profiled her code, and determined that it can run efficiently on 20 cores with 12 GB of memory each. The complete process should be done within 4 days.

  3. Ben wants to visualize a 2 GB file in QGIS.

  4. Neha has written and run some Python code on her own machine. She now wants to move to Puhti and, before running her full pipeline, test that her code executes correctly with a minimal dataset.

  5. Josh wants to run 4 memory heavy tasks (100GB) in parallel. Each job takes about 30 minutes to execute.